Stanley Burroughs’ The Master Cleanse (aka The Lemonade Diet)

— Quick Summary —

After reading articles and watching videos for 2 months, in May 2018 I decided to go on a 5-day Master Cleanse to detoxify and reset my body. I lost 15 pounds (down from 190 to 175), and more importantly, my mid-section feels cleaner and lighter. Post-Master Cleanse, I’ve decided to eat vegan for at least a month, and overall am very happy I decided to reset my body using the Master Cleanse.

— Caution —

As with anything health-related, consult a medical professional and take your own body into consideration before going forward. The experiences described here are not meant as medical advice, are unique to me, and may not result in the same outcomes for others. User discretion is advised.

— All In One Kits and Juicer —

You can buy everything you need for the Master Cleanse at a grocery store. If you’d rather purchase online, here are 2 kits that provide most all the ingredients you need, except for lemons and water.
USDA Certified Organic Ingredients Master Cleanse 10 day Kit (without book)

USDA Certified Organic Ingredients Master Cleanse 10-day Kit (with book)

Cuisinart Juicer: I started juicing my lemons by hand, but a few days in realized I wasn’t squeezing out all the juice possible, and so decided to purchase this simple, inexpensive, yet effective juicer.

— My Everyday Process —

After reading “The Master Cleanser” book, I followed this routine:

  • 2 Days before starting the Master Cleanse: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice, water, and organic soup with vegetables
  • 1 Day before starting the Master Cleanse: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice, water, and organic soup. Drink the Laxative Tea at night before bed
  • Master Cleanse Day 1 through 5 (or as many days as you decide): drink the Laxative Tea at night before bed, drink the 1 liter Salt Water Cleanse in the Morning on an empty stomach, and drink 6-12 glasses of Lemonade throughout the day
  • 1 Day after ending the Master Cleanse: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice, water, and organic soup
  • 2 Days after ending the Master Cleanse: Drink fresh squeezed orange juice, water, and organic soup with vegetables
  • 3 Days after ending the Master Cleanse: Return to eating healthy, solid food!

— Ingredients —

After reading The Master Cleanser” book and researching others’ experiences, I chose the following ingredients, using organic where possible:

  • Laxative Tea: I chose peppermint Smooth Move tea, although other brands and flavors are available
  • Lemons (fresh squeezed, and not lemon juice)
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Grade B Genuine Maple Syrup (the darker the syrup the better)
  • Sea Salt (not Iodized salt, and not table salt)
  • Purified Water

— Amounts —

  • Salt Water Cleanse: Add 2 teaspoons of uniodized sea salt into 1 quart of warm water
  • Lemonade: Each glass contains 10 ounces of Water, 2 tablespoons of Maple Syrup, 2 tablespoons of Lemon Juice, and 1/10 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper

— Additional Wisdom from ‘The Master Cleanser’ Author Stanley Burroughs —

Stanley Burroughs refers to what many commonly call The Master Cleanse as The Master Cleanser, or The Lemonade Diet.

As to the root of cause of disease, in “The Master Cleanser” book, Burroughs says:

At last the basic cause of disease is no longer a mystery. The basic cause is the habits of improper diet, inadequate exercise, negative mental attitudes, and lack of spiritual attunement, which combine to produce toxic conditions and malfunction of our bodies.

The book is a 50-page easy read which provides Stanley Burroughs insight into the purpose of The Master Cleanse:

To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body.

To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.

To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.

To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.

To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.

To build a healthy blood stream.

To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.

While researching The Master Cleanse, I wondered if going without all nutrition except a Lemonade Drink for more than a few days could be harmful to my body. I know various religious, spiritual and health practitioners fast and abstain from some or all food for an extended period of time. Burroughs’ says:

REMEMBER, the only things you can possibly lose are mucus, waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated.

If you’re interested in The Master Cleanse, I encourage you to do additional research before deciding if this cleansing method is appropriate for you. Best wishes!

— Additional Resources —