Here are links to resources that have deepened my understanding of health and wellness.
- Healing Through Diet Ted Talk – Dr. Dean Ornish
- The End of Diabetes and Super Immunity – Dr. Joel Fuhrman
- Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating Disease with Diet – Dr. Michael Greger
- Dr. Michael Greger runs, a free, excellent resource on health and wellness
- My Life Without Sugar – Olivia Judson
- How to Get Well, Stay Well & Never Be Sick Again, and Never Be Fat Again – Raymond Francis
- The perfect treatment for diabetes and weight loss – Dr. Eric Fung
- The Engine 2 Diet Will Save Your Life – Rip Esselstyn
- Prescribe Plants – Dr. Joel Kahn
- Heal Your Body With Your Mind – Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Change Your Subconscious Programming – Dr. Bruce Lipton
From the resources above and the books I’ve read, my personal, summarized takeaways are to:
- Eat more fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts
- Avoid processed foods
- Eat natural, non-refined sugars
- Eat less (or no) animal products (ie, meat, dairy, etc.)
- Exercise
- Get out into nature
- Get adequate rest
- Avoid stress
- Meditate twice a day (after waking up, and before going to sleep)
- Build and maintain positive relationships with others
- Think good thoughts
- Do things you enjoy
- Create art
- Laugh